Provider Benefits from Participating in the Food Program?
Receive extra money for food purchases.
As a participating child care provider, you will receive reimbursement on a per meal per child basis.
View the current meal reimbursement rates.
Show your professionalism and standard of quality child care.
Food Program participation shows your concern for the nutritional health of children. It is a benchmark of quality that benefits your child care children.
See what the research has to say about food program participation and the quality of child care. Click To Download Printable PDF
Save your child care parents time and money.
There’s no additional cost to the parents of your child care business. In fact, it saves parents time and money because they do not have to prepare or pay for meals when their children are at your child care facility.
Serving healthier foods is made easier.
You can choose healthy foods for the children you care for and receive extra money to do so. No more worrying whether parents will provide complete and nutritious meals.
Take a look at the required meal pattern.
Online tools will be at your fingertips.
Horizons offers you the latest technology with free online Food Program record keeping. You will have access to Minute Menu KIDS for recording menus and meal counts, daily attendance, tracking of food expenses for tax purposes and more!
You might be eligible to receive reimbursement for your children.
If your family meets certain household size and income criteria, you may be able to claim your own children if they are being fed along with the day care children.