December Program Pointer

Closed for the Holiday?dont-forget

Do not forget to notify Horizons if you will be closed over the Holiday season.

You can:

  • Call us at 1920 826 7292
  • Email us at
  • Minute Menu users can notify us right in Minute Menu by going to <tools <manage calendar.


Have you Heard the News?

The food program meal pattern will be changing in October of 2017!!!!



Immediate Change–Effective NOW:

  • Mothers of daycare children can now come into the family daycare home to nurse their infants and it is REIMBURSABLE!!!!
    • Simply record breast milk on your menus as you would with expressed breast milk.
    • The meal is ONLY creditable if the Mom nurses at the DAYCARE home.



Things you can do to prepare:

  • The Fruit and Vegetable group will become 2 separate food groups come October 2017.  To prepare for this change you can begin to serve one fruit and one vegetable at lunch and supper.
  • 100% Juice will be limited to once a day.  You can prepare by limiting the number of times you serve juice to the daycare children.